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Oasis of Hope Community Development Corp. (Oasis of Hope CDC) is a non-profit, HUD-approved housing counseling agency.  We serve all clients regardless of income, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, family status, disability, or sexual orientation/gender identity.  We administer our programs in conformity with local, state, and federal anti-discrimination laws, including the federal Fair Housing Act (42 USC 3600, ETSeq).  

Agency Relationships:  Oasis of Hope CDC has financial affiliations (if funded by HUD) or professional affiliations (if funded by HUD) with HUD, Neighbor Works America, USDA Rural Development, the State of Illinois, Smith County, and Banks including Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, BB&T now Trust, Total Bank, Valley National Bank, and Florida Counseling Programs.  As a housing counseling program participant, you are not obligated to use the products and services of Oasis of Hope CDC or our industry partners.  

Oasis of Hope CDC offers three different group workshops and one homeownership education class that you can complete at your own pace.  We also offer four different types of counseling programs. 

Pre-Purchase Homebuyer Education Workshop & Inspection Materials /$00.00 per person: 
Group homebuyer education class to help clients achieve the goal of homeownership. 

Pre-Purchase Homeownership Counseling & Inspection Materials /$149.00 per person or couple: 
Preparing for Home Purchase 

Financial Budgeting and Credit Workshop & Inspection Materials /$00.00 per person: 
Group Budgeting & Improving Credit

Financial Management/Budget Counseling & Inspection Materials /$00.00 per person: 
One-On-One Budgeting & Improving Credit

Mortgage Delinquency & Default Resolution Counseling & Inspection Materials /$00.00 per person: 
Mortgage Assistance 

E-Home America Homebuyer Education Online Class & Inspection Materials /$99.00  
Online class.  Clients can access this link and complete the required 8-hour course online. 

Rental Housing Counseling & Inspection Materials/$00.00 per person:  
Housing counseling and rental assistance.  This service is designed to match client housing needs with other locally available housing projects and programs.

Rental Housing Workshop/$00.00 per person:

(Rental Assistance and Preventive Rental Eviction Financial Literacy) 
Group classes are monthly classes for renters that are facing eviction from the loss or a reduction of household family income and cannot meet the needs of paying their rent.  

*** Language / Sign Language Interpreters are available upon 72 hours of the written request.  Request forms can be obtained from a housing counselor.    

Program Disclosure Form

Please fill out the following form
in order to participate in our our services.

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